Raisa Idham

Hi, hello.

Raisa Idham plants Raisa RAISA HAFIZ raisaidham

Hi, hello.

I really want to try to do this blogging thing at least once a week - to at least have a sense of consistency, but of course I don't really have anything to talk about. 

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Blogging, again.

Raisa Idham

Blogging, again.

It has been over 10 years since I last had a blog. I used to be quite a "blogger". I think I used to write about my days, friends, school, music, gigs - I don't know. But I remember my blogging efforts and that I could blog everyday like as if my life was so great. Like as if people needed to read about my life daily. I don't know how I could come up with so many blog posts. But maybe if I had continued blogging, I might be a content creator today. Kwangkwangkwang!Funny, the time has come that I've...

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Recipe : Creamy Seafood Tom Yum Pasta!

Raisa Idham

Recipe : Creamy Seafood Tom Yum Pasta!

Creamy Seafood Tom Yum Pasta - here's one of my favourite pasta to make! Easy & sedap gila, this is also the longgg-awaited recipe I promised alot of girls last year .. or maybe 2 years ago. But yes, it's finally here!

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