Recipe : Creamy Seafood Tom Yum Pasta!

Creamy Seafood Tom Yum Pasta - here's one of my favourite pasta to make! Easy & sedap gila, this is also the longgg-awaited recipe I promised alot of girls last year .. or maybe 2 years ago. But yes, it's finally here!
Got this recipe from a family friend, Ellysa. She made it so delicious that I had to try it myself. It was really a "campak" & "agak-agak" kind of recipe, & since I am no chef, you may never see all the fancy kitchen & cooking terms.
If you love the infamous Seafood Tom Yum Pasta from Pastamania, then trust me, you should really try this! 
- Raisa
Illustration : Zt Dimas
Colour & Design : Raisa Idham

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