Blogging, again.

It has been over 10 years since I last had a blog. I used to be quite a "blogger". I think I used to write about my days, friends, school, music, gigs - I don't know. But I remember my blogging efforts and that I could blog everyday like as if my life was so great. Like as if people needed to read about my life daily. I don't know how I could come up with so many blog posts. But maybe if I had continued blogging, I might be a content creator today. Kwangkwangkwang!

Funny, the time has come that I've decided to pick up blogging again. My life is not exciting so I'm not sure if anyone would ever bother coming here to read about it. But if there is, here's my official hello to you : Haaaaaaaaai! : )

Aaand typically starting this off with a little bit about myself. My name is Raisa, and I'm married to Hafiz. Which is also the simplest explanation behind R A I S A  H A F I Z. We've been married for 3 years 8 months. Hafiz and I work and run this small tiny business of ours from home - full time. People would also generally want to know if married couples have children, so let me type this out for you : Not yet. We've had multiple miscarriages, and we hope you'd keep us in your prayers.

There is a possibility that I am workaholic but I can be quite a procrastinator too. I can ignore something for one day, and pretty soon it's NINETEEN DAYS later and I still haven't done it.

I don't really get bored.

These are my beautiful friends with beautiful names :
Tokyo, Morocco, Amsterdam, London, Egypt, Lucerne, Seoul, Medan & Cordoba.

I water my plants a couple of times a week. I am very, very, very into them. I talk to them once in a while because they're alive and I'm sure they can hear me. I like succulents and cacti because they are pretty easy to care for and they don't need much attention from me. When I told Hafiz that, he said that says alot about my personality.

I'm trying to eat healthily these days. I've always included potato chips and soda and snacks into my diet but I've been trying to stay away from them and making my brain believe that they taste bad. I can't kid my tastebuds though.

My favourite colour is black. And all shades of nudes. And all the other colours in their dusty-toned versions. Except for purple, because no, I do not like purple.

My birthday is on November 5th, and I like to shop.

I hope this is ok for an introduction. Maybe I'll write better next time.

- Raisa

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