2017 Preparation!

2016 has been great for us. It was the year we launched our own clothing line, and even this website! There were definitely ups & downs, and there's still so much to learn & improve on. But we're glad that the experiences we've been through thus far will help us in improving ourselves & our service, inshaAllah.

At first our focus was to cater to petite-sized ladies (like Raisa sebab takut nak buat banyak-banyak sizes) but the response were more overwhelming dari orang orang yang fun-size, haha. Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih sebab sokong kita.

We heard you and we will try our best to meet your needs. So inshaAllah 2017 ni, kita akan produce juga bigger sizes for dresses & pants especially!

Untuk Dian Shawls pula, I've always wanted to have our printed shawls tapi asik tak jadi je. We've met a supplier from China yang boleh buat printing untuk berbagai product. Shawl, payung, bag, baju & tuala pun boleh. Amazing kan?

We did a prototype floral prints on a viscose material sebab nak tengok quality printing dia. Fuh memang tip top. Tapi lepas buat kira kira, kos & minimum quantity diorang, buat saya seram sejuk.

Maklumlah we were just starting, so costs & quantity selalu buat saya fikir dua kali. Tapi alhamdulillah, Allah bukakan jalan yang lain tahun ni. InshaAllah we'll be launching our first very own printed collection soon.

Raisa pula akhirnya buat calendar 2017, setelah sekian lama. We were quite worried tak ada orang nak beli at first, but alhamdulillah semuanya licin on the night she first launched them. Lepas tu terpaksa la buat pre-order.

We hope things will be better for us this year & for all of you as well. Kita harap semua yang baca post ni dapat doakan kita. Terima kasih sebab selalu berkata yang baik dekat kita. Terima kasih sebab beri kita peluang untuk buat benda ni. Terima kasih sebab sudi sokong kita dengan apa pun cara. May Allah bless you with all the good in both worlds, ameen! :)

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