The Selendang Diaries : Goodbye 2017, Hello New Goals


Alhamdulillah, 2017 was an amazing year! Untuk sepasang suami isteri yang run this small business from the comfort of our little room, kita manage to achieve a few goals yang kita set di hujung 2016. It may be a bit slow or small, but these achievements buat kita rasa nak set & achieve more goals in this new year.

Kita percaya yang bila we set something in our brain, sub-consciously we’ll work towards achieving that goal.

So what did we achieve? Our very own Printed Shawl collection, our own label charm, a working website with payment gateway yang menyenangkan semua orang (sebab saya tak payah nak kejar mengejar customers untuk payment bagaikan ahlong), our very own mailing bags, having our own home-studio for our mini photoshoots (sebab nak save cost punya pasal) & lastly increasing our production volume compared to 2016.


Untuk 2018 ini pula, kita niat nak share benda-benda yang bermanfaat. Yang semuanya ada kena mengena dengan dunia memakai tudung. I also hope to produce more colours and materials this year. Sabar menanti k! Macam macam kita dah plan. Semoga Allah mudahkan.

Doakan kita!


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